Welcome to Hatric institute
Mogadishu Somalia


Core Trainings

SIYB – is a global entrepreneurship management training Program with focus on starting and improving small business as a strategy for creating more and better management employment in developing economies and economies transition. With an estimates outreach of 4.5 M trainees, continuously growing network of more than 17,000 trainers and 200 master trainers in 2500 partner institutions

EYB– Enables growth-oriented entrepreneurs to develop a business growth plan on important areas such as marketing, operations, human resources, financial and strategic management. EYB training usually lasts for 10 days.

IYES is one of the ILO-WED Programme tools intended to contribute to the Programme’s Strategic Framework objectives. The objectives are summarized as “to unleash the economic potential of women’s enterprises to contribute to employment creation, gender equality, economic growth, and poverty reduction within the framework of the decent work agenda1.”

This course is aimed at exposing readers to the breadth and depth of project cycle management. This course captures and discusses the main element of project cycle management. The content covered in this unit includes project planning approaches, proposal writing, financial management, performance measurement and report writing. The scope of this unit makes it useful of project managers, project officers and development workers. The content of this unit are compilation of various training experience and insights documented by PDC from project management and related training workshops

This course intends to provide students with an understanding of the nature of enterprise and entrepreneurship and introduces the role of the entrepreneur, innovation and technology in the entrepreneurial process. The course will give you insights and practical experience in the issues facing new business ventures and renewing established businesses. The course will develop you into a lateral thinker capable of seeing things differently to those around you. With that skill set, you’ll be in a great position to take exciting new ideas to market, and create successful businesses around them.

The Business Management is intended for students who want to develop primary insights into the world of business and the key management skills that will provide the competitive edge needed to start on a successful management career.  This course   will help you hone the skills you will need for small business or large business department management. The course gives you the opportunity to gain extensive knowledge and understanding of the principles and practices of business management. This includes Marketing Management, People and Productivity, operations management, human resource management, accounting, and financial management and an insight on key entrepreneurial skills. We focus on building self-confidence and improving your skills and knowledge base.

This is 10 -20 weeks workshop  which includes CV writing , Cover writing , Communication Skills, job application , interviewing skills , Mailing Skills , Positive thinking Skills , team building and team work , Leadership Skills, problem solving , creativity ,  Entrepreneurship& Innovation Skills, Presentation Skills , access to work information , specialist literacy teaching with our learning for non readers

This course it is fundamentally about sharing knowledge-among beneficiaries of the program, program implementers, funders, and often outside evaluation practitioners.  You will learn Participatory methods ,  M& E concepts,  how to develop Logical framework ,  M&E tools , Indicators , Input , Output, Outcome and Analysing information , Stakeholder Analysis , and beneficiary feedback system .

This course is aimed at introducing you to the study of Principles and Procedures in Project Planning and Management. In this course you will learn the importance of principles and concepts in the management of Non- Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and projects. Its focus is to enable participants understand and appreciate the need for Institutional and Organizational development with a view to strengthening their organizations to manage change, identify and use internal potential as well as positioning themselves strategically in order to ensure results and a healthy organization.

Savings Groups are simple, transparent, autonomous and locally run. Members of savings groups save together lend their savings to each other and share the profits. Members provide their own savings and credit services at negligible cost, while retaining earnings and investment in their own communities.

Village Savings and Loan programs work by focusing on the resources, initiative, accountability and social support that are present in vulnerable communities. Instead of waiting for money from the outside to begin their work, groups of 15-25 members make weekly savings deposits into a group fund.

They manage the fund themselves, make decisions about who can receive loans and what the terms are, and hold each other accountable for the repayment of their loans. Group members need each other to be successful and repay the loans so money is then available for themselves and other members in new rounds of lending. This kind of accountability leads to very high repayment rates.

This course reviews the basic steps in drafting a grant proposal for funding, including planning, researching and writing a grant as well as best practices for following up with potential funders. The course outlines the different types of funders, what a grant seeker should consider when developing a project idea and how it could be funded, understanding how a proposal will be reviewed and the financial concerns of funders, what typical elements are included in a grant proposal, and managing the relationship with a funder, whether the proposal was successful or rejected. 

The purpose of grant writing is to convince an organization or person to fund your proposal. Taking the time to properly plan and research before you begin will make writing the grant more efficient and organized.


Our world today is experiencing frequent and often more serious disasters which threaten to reverse the many development gains achieved over decades. The Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction (CMDRR) framework helps show the links between development and disaster. CMDRR relies on fundamental recognition that the communities affected by these hazards also have the solutions. It engages communities in identification, analysis, monitoring and evaluation of risks to reduce people’s vulnerabilities and enhance their capacities.

While it may not be possible to completely stop the occurrences of natural hazards, communities, governments and local institutions can work together to prevent hazards caused by humans, reduce risks to disasters, mitigate or manage when disasters do occur and minimize their effects on lives and livelihoods.  

Since the CMDRR paradigm warrants a facilitation role, the lack of capacity amongst development practitioners to play this role is a major constraint in the application of CMDRR concepts


Business Facilitation Skills program combines pre-planning, preparation, group process skills, conflict resolution, action planning, and troubleshooting.
In this course you will learn: What is a Business, Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies, Self-Evaluation of PECs, Business Idea Generation, Business Idea Selection, Intro to the Business Canvas, Target Markets, Value Propositions, Product & Service Development 1 &2 , Pricing, Marketing Mix, Financing Plan, Introduction to Cash Flow and Financial Management, Advanced Cash Flow, Profit & Loss Statements, Balance Sheet, Planning and Monitoring, Time and Human Resource Management, Risk Management, Financial and Business Development Services and Competition and Collaboration

Many people believe that good leaders are born with those attributes and the skills they have cannot be taught to others. This is simply not true, learning about theories and models, face-to-face training and experience can be combined to develop a strong leader, regardless of their natural abilities.

Leadership is an essential skill at home, at work, and in every stage of your career. If you're in charge of two or more people at work, this course could change your life.

This Leadership course covers everything you need to know from delegating and motivating, differing leadership styles

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